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Bondage Boy: 'I've Got 2 First Names'
Houston Chronicle; 05/25/05

Oddsmakers have Daniel Craig as a top contender in the next James Bond sweepstakes. Americans will understand better after they see Craig in the slick and wicked little British crime hit, Layer Cake, opening Friday.

Craig recently was in Austin for two months playing murderer Perry Smith in Every Word Is True, about Truman Capote's friendship with Smith, the subject of In Cold Blood. Due next year, the film also stars Sandra Bullock and Gwyneth Paltrow.

Craig really liked Austin.

"I had to kind of stay out of town though," he said. "It's a town you can get into trouble in."

Meaning what, all the bars?

"Yeah. They had to move me outside."

Any favorite haunts?

"All of them."

Craig also is signed to star in Steven Spielberg's upcoming film about the hunt for the terrorists after the 1972 Olympics. So we decided we'd better ask him some Too Much Information questions before he becomes a big star. Or James Bond.

Q: What do your friends call you?
A: Dan, Daniel or (poop)head. Depending.

Q: Who would you pay to see in a celebrity death match?
A: That's a tricky one. Let's think. Michael Jackson and Joan Rivers. I'd like to see the skin fly.

Q: Do you have any superstitions?
A: Many. It depends on my mood. For some reason, new shoes on a table. That comes and goes. It's bad luck, I've no idea why. It's something my father did.

Q: What do you wear to bed?
A: Nothing. My birthday suit.

Q: Have you ever belonged to a fan club?
A: When I was a kid, a comic fan club, which was a secret society. I think the magazine was called Warlord. I hated the magazine. It was the club I wanted to be a member of. You got secret codes.

Q: What CD are you listening to?
A: Jeff Buckley.

Q: Do you collect anything?
A: I don't really, but if I could I would collect art.

Q: Lights on, or lights off?
A: Oh, um, lights on.

Q: Anything stuck on your fridge door?
A: Yes, sadly, one of those poetry things, with the different words for making poems.

Q: What have you been influenced to buy by a commercial?
A: Um. Just about everything I'm afraid. I'm a complete pushover.

Q: I would never...
A: I would never, um...kiss on the first date.

Q: Sean Connery or Roger Moore?
A: There's only one, Sean Connery.

Категория: Интервью на английском | Добавил: Betina (21 Июл 2007)
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