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17 November 2006

Q DID you speak with any of the past Bonds about the film?

A I DON'T think there is a secret group where I would sort of get kidnapped one night and be put into a bag. 'Oh, hi guys.' Pierce Brosnan has been very supportive. I met him last year, and he's just been great. He said, 'Go for it. You've got to go for it.' I hear through the press, whether they're true or not I don't know, but it seems to be that there are some nice things said which helps.

Q WHAT do you think of the Bond franchise?

A SEAN CONNERY defined it. From Russia With Love is one of my favourite films, and what he began there, what he started, his physicality - he did it. That's no disrespect to any of the others, but that's just where I look when I think about Bond. I think about him.

Q WHERE you a fan of the martini before doing this film?

A OH, believe me, a good one - there's nothing like it. I'm not bad at mixing them either. I used to do that in pubs, in bars. I'm quite particular about them.

Q Did the internet criticism get you down?

A IT did affect me. I will not lie to you. I went, 'You know what, what can I do? I can't answer it.' I can't start getting onto internet sites and talking back. I get it. I get the passion that people feel for this, and I understand that. I make films, and normally when I make a film we wait until we get to the premiere and we get to the time when the press sees it and then I start getting reviews. It was like, 'See the movie and then you can say what you like about it, but watch the movie.' So that's my answer. There's no point in getting in tit for tat arguments about the way that I looked.

Источник: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk

Категория: Интервью на английском | Добавил: Betina (21 Июл 2007)
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