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Главная » 2007 » Ноябрь » 21 » 12:14 » Дэниэл снова на обложке GQ

Дэниэл снова на обложке GQ
Звезда Джеймса Бонда Дэниэл Крэйг выглядит мегасексуально на одной из трех обложек декабрьского GQ (Кейни Уэст и Билл Клинтон занимают другие две).

Вот отрывок из статьи (полностью прочитать можно в самом журнале):

Daniel Craig was almost a well-kept secret until a daring, smart turn as James Bond made him an international sensation. Now, with an upcoming franchise the critics are comparing to The Lord of the Rings, Craig sits down for a drink with Adam Rapoport to discuss movies, men, and of course, that incomparable 007 style.

I'd been warned.

Getting a good interview out of Daniel Craig would be like trying to make pals with Barry Bonds—not going to happen. He's difficult, editors told me. Challenging. Particular. Choosy about what he wears on photo shoots (more on that later; sorry, Daniel).

So there I was a few months back, sitting on a plane to London, going to meet 007. The kind of gig any guy would dream of. Except I'm dreading it. Wondering why I drew the straw for this assignment. Can't I interview some other square-jawed star with piercing blue eyes and a legendary action role under his belt?

Problem is, there's only one James Bond, and last time I checked, GQ was still a men's magazine, so who am I to argue?

I'd get to meet him at what the Brits call a members' club—one of those private bars that allow for post-pub boozing but always end up being a little less posh, a little less exclusive, than you hope for. I arrived just before 4 p.m. on the kind of sunny day that London sees maybe two or three of all year. Maybe my luck wouldn't be so crappy after all.

Standing in a small foyer at the top of a long, narrow staircase, I nervously checked the clock on my Treo, once, twice, three times, wondering just how late Craig would be. Not late at all, it turned out. The door from the sidewalk opened, and Craig made his way up the stairs, sunglasses in hand, wearing a pair of beat-up Levi's, a distressed James Perse T-shirt, and the kind of no-nonsense stare that said, "Let's do this thing and get it over with." Or more specifically, I believe the Briticism he employed was "Let's crack at it."

And so we sat down, got the tape recorder out, and started cracking. Was he difficult? Maybe a bit. Challenging? Absolutely. Particular? No doubt.

The thing is, you need to ask yourself a question: Since when are those bad things for a man to be?


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Люди года GQ-2007


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