Звезда Джеймса Бонда Дэниэл Крэйг выглядит мегасексуально на одной из трех обложек декабрьского GQ (Кейни Уэст и Билл Клинтон занимают другие две). Вот отрывок из статьи (полностью прочитать можно в самом журнале): Daniel Craig was almost a well-kept secret until a daring, smart turn as James Bond made him an international sensation. Now, with an upcoming franchise the critics are comparing to The Lord of the Rings, Craig sits down for a drink with Adam Rapoport to discuss movies, men, and of course, that incomparable 007 style. I'd been warned. Getting a good interview out of Daniel Craig would be like trying to make pals with Barry Bonds—not going to happen. He's difficult, editors told me. Challenging. Particular. Choosy about what he wears on photo shoots (more on that later; sorry, Daniel). So there I was a few months back, sitting
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