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Понедельник • 14 Окт 2024 • 20:05
Главная » 2007 » Июль » 22 » 01:35 » Дениэл Крейг является 3-им в списке фантазий журнала Glamour

Дениэл Крейг является 3-им в списке фантазий журнала Glamour
Women have revealed their top celebrity sex fantasies.
Glamour magazine asked over 1,200 women to reveal their fantasies - reports Metro.

Almost all said they had imagined having sex with a celebrity.

Brad Pitt was the favourite, followed by Johnny Depp and James Bond star Daniel Craig. Timberlake and Irish actor Colin Farrell were popular choices.

The survey also revealed that women fantasise about female celebrities.

Angelina Jolie topped the list, ahead of TV presenter Fearne Cotton and supermodel Kate Moss.

Christina Aguilera, Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson and Desperate Housewives star Marcia Cross were also mentioned.

A Glamour spokeswoman said: 'When we asked for specifics, we were inundated with pretty racy and graphic responses.

'A number had fantasies about female celebrities. As for the men, the usual Hollywood heart-throbs featured heavily - as well as more, um, eclectic choices.'

According to the poll, 93 per cent of women have fantasies but 57 per cent never reveal them to their partner


Категория: Новости о Дэниэле | Просмотров: 1206
Добавил: Betina

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1 matiss071   (10 Дек 2009 19:14) [Материал]

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