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BetinaДата: Воскресенье, 22 Июл 2007, 05:04 | Сообщение # 1
Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 7977
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Начало темы

История про то, как я была знакома с нынешним Джеймсом Бондом.

Было это в году 2003-ем. Продюсер мне сказал: «Встречаешь группу в аэропорту. Главного актера сажаешь в отдельную машину, всех остальных – в автобус. Точно поняла?»

А мне так страшно – все ж таки первое задание дают. Я совсем недавно стала ассистенткой продюсера и должна точно выполнять все поручения.
Стою в аэропорту с табличкой. Он выходит. Вы, спрашиваю, Дэниэл Крэйг, главный актер? Он говорит: Ес. Ну, думаю, и актера они себе нашли… С бабой какой-то прилетел, японкой, что ли. Я ему на английском, мол, вас ожидает отдельный транспорт, а вот гражданочку вашенскую попросила бы пройти в автобус со всей киногруппой на общих, так сказать, основаниях.

Он испугался, жмет ее к себе. Она тож японский глаз на меня таращит - боится, значит. Я его за рукав к выходу подтягиваю, мол, не положено с гражданочкой, мне было велено, чтоб вы единолично проследовали в отдельном транспорте. А японку эту телом от актера отминаю, чтоб не лезла в автомобиль. Мне ж сказали, что актера отдельно, группу отдельно. И баста. Порядок такой.

Тут продюсеры прибежали, которые актера этого главного сопровождали. Я хоть по-английски то не очень, но соображаю, что он им жалуется. И даже просится в автобус со всей группой на общих основаниях, лишь бы только с дамочкой своей вместе ехать. Мол, раз уж в России такие порядки, что мне с дамочкой нельзя, то я согласный на автобус и порешим на этом.

Как доехали - не помню, но на протяжении всего проекта этот главный актер меня боком обходил. Кто ж знал, что через пару-тройку лет он станет Джеймсом Бондом.

Дэниэл Крейг тогда приехал сниматься в фильме, который назывался «Архангел» (производство BBC). Смысл такой: несмотря на то, что в новой России есть Макдональдсы и иностранные жвачки, в глубине души мы остаемся рабами и с радостью примем нового Сталина. По сюжету в Россию приезжает английский ученый (Дэниэл Крэйг), который всю жизнь занимался разгадкой личности Сталина. Ученый (Дэниэл Крэйг) случайно узнает, что секретные службы все это время скрывали сына Сталина! И вот весь фильм английский ученый (Дэниэл Крэйг) за этим сыном гоняется и, в конце концов, убивает его – освобождая тем самым новую Россию от возможной тирании. Короче, такой Брюс Вылез.

Ну что я могу вам сказать как человек, лично знакомый с Агентом два ноля семь… Хорек хорьком. Я уж не знаю, какую мышцу он теперь себе накачал, но вид у него исключительно непрезентабельный. Весь в мелкую щетину на лице, скромный, даже чая на съемочной площадке толком не просил. И баба у него японская. Ну или почти японская. Боится всего. Например, ни за что не поедет на автобусе со всей группой. Так она и простояла с краешку все съемочные дни … Меня сторонилась. Видела ее недавно. Когда показывали сюжет по первому каналу с церемонии премьеры «Казино Рояля». Стоит, жмется опять к нему… Ну ничему жизнь не учит. Наверное, их после премьеры развозили на транспорте. Поди-ка опять в автобусе поперлась.


BetinaДата: Воскресенье, 22 Июл 2007, 05:04 | Сообщение # 2
Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell
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Now to all the conspiracy theorists or those who doubt the validity of my encounter i dont care if you believe me or not, im just telling my encounter with daniel craig to the moive/bond/craig lovers out there.

About one year ago i was on a virgin express train from london to manchester, I was of to a university interview, and thought because of the long journey i should book in first class ( i dont often ride intercity trains)

I came in and sat down and who should i see, none other then daniel craig himself. I was fortunate to be sitting in close to him, by luck of course. I knew that he was announced but not confirmed to be the new bond. So he seemed quite bored after breakfast had been served, and the train carrige was quite deserted. So i asked him for his autograph and he was very friendly giving it. He noticed i was reading the sports section of the daily mail. Then he asked me about which football team i support and i responded by telling him liverpool fc. We had a good friendly talk about the english premier league for the remaining 20 minutes of the journey. He was even kind enough to shake my hand at the end even though im much younger then him. So just thought id tell you guys hes a nice and friendly person.

PS. If that wasnt enough of a good day i also got into Manchester university that very day.


BetinaДата: Воскресенье, 22 Июл 2007, 05:05 | Сообщение # 3
Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell
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Сообщений: 7977
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I met Daniel earlier this year in Prague while he was shooting "Casino Royale" I was sitting at a cafe having lunch when he came in to have lunch. I recognized him from "Munich" where he also was great. We were having lunch together and Daniel is a very down to earth, nice and caring person. He was actually very open- hearted during our talk which surprised me since I know he is kind of a private person. I hope i get to meet him again soon.


BetinaДата: Воскресенье, 22 Июл 2007, 05:06 | Сообщение # 4
Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell
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Сообщений: 7977
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Впечатления фанатки, которая видела Дэниела вживую 2007-02-12

It was Well Worth Queing from 4am to finally see Daniel in the flesh.

I went to the baftas yesterday. Well the fan viewing bit and queued out from 4am. All the rain was over and done with by the time it started.

Daniel worked the crowd well and whilst I had a great spot up near the entrance to the Opera House I should have tried to get more near start of carpet as their PR people were trying to usher them in by the time they all got down our end.

I got a few ok photos but he is so handsome up close and was happy to sign. He could only do so many so I expect there were alot of dissapointed people but at least we got to see him up close. I expected a bow tie but he wore a suit and tie. Satsuki looked lovely and was happy to stand back whilst he did lots of press and fan things. He also happily did the odd picture taking with fans where he held the camera.

In the Free London paper London Lite there was a big article on Sienna Miller at the Bafta Dinner at the Grosvenor House after the ceremony she was enjoying plenty of attention from other guests whilst Daniel was getting the fun poked at him for his fling with Sienna. He was so unhappy about it all he fled after the first course.

If that is the case I expect he did it to save face with Satsuki. It couldn't have been nice for her if people were referring to it.

Also maybe it is just me but the papers seem to be branding Casino Royal and Daniel a big loser at the Baftas. Whilst they didn't win much the fact the film was recognised in the first place was such a huge deal so there were no losers here.

It was also nice not seeing him wear much make-up. I did think at a few premieres it was obvious he was wearing make up but he was just swoon swoon swoon.

BetinaДата: Воскресенье, 22 Июл 2007, 05:06 | Сообщение # 5
Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell
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Сообщений: 7977
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I have a great story to share.

A friend of mine from Florida was in Ireland recently on business. He attended a social gathering one evening and ended up having a great conversation with a friendly guy there. Towards the end of the conversation, the discussion turned to how much my friend liked his watch. The guy subsequently took off his watch on the spot and gave it to my friend as a gift.

And who did the guy turn out to be? Yep, Mr. Daniel Craig himself. At the time, my friend had not seen CR and had no idea who he was. He just thought he was a regular guy.

Richard says he is very down to earth, you'd never know he was an international superstar, very humble and friendly. And of course, Richard's wife says HE'S GORGEOUS. (but then, we already knew that)

But wait, there's more......I blew into London this past weekend on a theatre trip. Had never been to the theatre in London, and we decided to go and celebrate my husband's birthday over the weekend there. Very kindly, my friend loaned me the watch to take to London with me. So on my very first ever trip to the London theater, I wore Daniel Craig's watch. It swallowed my wrist, but I wore it anyway. *screams like a teenage girl*

I will never forget it, and someday when I meet Daniel, I will tell him all about it. *sigh*

Isn't that a great story? Turns out he's not only gorgeous and a great actor, he's a real person and a nice guy, too.

The best is that I had to reset the watch to London time, and I have to believe the last person who would have done that would have been Daniel himself. And there were a couple of small scuffs on the band clasp....no doubt put there by DC through basic wear and tear. *swoon, melt, thud*

By the way, I have the coolest husband. He's okay with the fantasy and had no problem with me wearing the watch.

ВЕТРЕННАЯДата: Среда, 01 Авг 2007, 11:34 | Сообщение # 6
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Незнала куда бы воткнуть

Friday, July 27, 2007

This week

Okay, it's not everyday someone can say this but I had dinner with James Bond!!!! I did, honestly.

Tuesday. I had a photo session with Nigel to get the final images for the second single cover. We did it in East London near the river Lea. Then, later on i helped (briefly) my friend Donell with his shoot for his final Uni thing, he really does have a great eye for images. That one we did in Hoxton Square. After that i had to dash off to dinner at Garfields. It was a sort of fairwell supper for our friends Nick and Chris who have just recently gotten married and are due to go back to Kenya soon. I sang at their wedding in Somerset a couple of weeks ago at another friends beautiful 14th century (still working Organic) farm. I also ending up sleeping in the back seat of my car and i cried like a bitch at the ceremony but what's your point?? Lol. Anyway, back to the point.

I turned up on Tuesday evening and greeted everyone in the room as per usual. It was really nice to see everyone turn up. Whether it was for Nick and Chris or just the food, who's to say...... Equally special. :-)

I walk into the room, Hi hi hi hi hi hi's to everyone and then walk out onto the balcony and am greeted by Daniel Craig. I don't get start struck but i was slightly taken a back at this. lol. know Daniel is in "The Family" but we've never met before. I wish now that i had seen the rest of the bloody Casino Royale and not just the parts i had to study to play my part in the Silly Games video. Damm. We did talk alot about recycling bits of old wood into furniture....... As you do.

Bloody nice chap though, and his missus. Lovely lady. OH, but don't even get me started on the food. Andrea Oliver is a cullinery goddess. Nigela and Delia ain't got nothin on her!!!!! She made my favourite mushroom risotto.....for the second time in one week. I've obviously done something right for that to happen.

So that's another thing to check off from my list of 'Things to do before I'm thirty or, at the very least, before i die List'......Have dinner with James Bond....CHECK. Wahey. lol

Still waiting to hear if I'm going to Ibiza on Sunday. It's not really my thing so i'm not fussed either way. And still haven't sorted out the bloody internet at my flat.

Not much else happening this week. I'm a bit bored if truth be told.

The 'Calm before the storm', i guess.


XevДата: Среда, 01 Авг 2007, 12:43 | Сообщение # 7
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О какая оперативность! а я как раз хотела повесить. Вот все, ВСЕ твердят, какой он хороший. сговорились, что ли? biggrin

И, заметьте:

Bloody nice chap though, and his missus. Lovely lady.

Вот tongue
ВЕТРЕННАЯДата: Среда, 01 Авг 2007, 13:10 | Сообщение # 8
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Quote (Xev)
Вот все, ВСЕ твердят, какой он хороший. сговорились, что ли?

ну как он может быть другим?

XevДата: Воскресенье, 02 Дек 2007, 00:35 | Сообщение # 9
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Отчеты фанов с dtd, которым удалось прорваться на красную дорожку Золотого Компаса и увидеть ЕГО:

1) I was lucky enough to get there, behind the barriers, and in front of the entrance to cinema, opposite the film crews on the other side[....]Then OH my God, it started. After 1hr1/2 of waiting, we saw Dakota walking up the red carpet followed by the scrum of publicity people. She was very sweet and signed for me and my children. She seems very confident and very bright for a 13 yr old. A few more celebs and then i could here Daniel being shouted down the line. With one person in front of me, up i went on tipey toes and there with my own eyes i could see him. Black suit, white shirt etc with Satiska close by. He went over to the media people for interviews, so could only see him from the back, with the usual hand grip of Saskita, behind his back. I must say she was utterly beautiful in what looked like a black/dark grey silk full length dress, hair up. She spoke to many people of the cast/crew as they went by, as Daniel carried on the interview in front. She is very much part of the whole deal, and i thought looked like a very strong confident woman in her own right, but with the softness of a supporting girlfriend.
Then Oh my God, it was time for him to come over to us for autographs. I had taken my box set of 'Friends of the North', for him to sign. Many people were shouting and some didn't know who was who, just there for the sake of it. What a waste. I held my box set out and my eyes were firmly fixed on Daniel at this point. Looking great as usual, chatting and laughing with some of the crowd. Then came my moment - i'm ashamed to say i started shouting too, 'please daniel sign my friends from the north'. Don't know if he picked up on it or it was just my turn, but he took it out of my hands and signed. No eye contact with me, but he smiled, as he realised what he was signing. Then on to the next one! I just kept saying 'Thank you Daniel'. Eva was next, and wow beautiful girl, she signed and was very sweet to my two children.[...]
Then OH my God, she was here - Nicole Kidman. Last one to roll up, no interviews, walked straight past us, up to the main entrance with cameras clicking all the way. She looked like a porcelain doll, completely stunning. A true movie star look and persona. I could only stare. Gr8 night!!

Сообщение отредактировал Xev - Воскресенье, 02 Дек 2007, 00:52
ЭленДата: Воскресенье, 02 Дек 2007, 00:48 | Сообщение # 10
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ООО,я тока про отчеты в другой теме спросила,а тут.... нате вам,пожалуйста! Xev, Пошла вчитываться! biggrin

XevДата: Воскресенье, 02 Дек 2007, 00:51 | Сообщение # 11
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I have just got back from London - it is 12.25am and I met HIM!!!!!!!!

He was stood right in front of me and I forgot everyone we had talked about on the forum including how he smelt!!!. I got his autograph too.[...]

I had waited from 9.30 yesterday (Tues) morning for him and I was stood right outside the Odeon Cinema doors. Sats was with him and her photos do not do her justice. She is absolutely beautiful.

Met Eva Green too and she was lovely Her dress was absolutely beautiful all black sequins.

Nicole and her husband were standing chatting to Daniel and Sats and having a laugh.[...]

I didnt get chance to speak to him. I wasnt very happy with the guy next to me who wanted him to sign several different things but he was quite happy to sign my autograph book as he could tell it was a personal thing and not something that was going to be flocked on e-bay!!!

I took his time and signed alot of autographs - however by the time he got to me he just put "DC" but hey I am not complaining.

To be honest I am not sure I took it all in. When he arrived on the red carpet it all just went manic! After spending the last year (since CR) dissecting every little inch of him with each other I cant begin to tell you how I really felt when he was actually stood in front of me but I think I was calm and just phoned my friends and smiled all the way home, which is a long way!

He did look gorgeous and he was obviously well organised as he had his own pen. Yes he did seem thinner - much more of a pre-Bond body.

He seemed to sign lots of autographs up and down the red carpet and stood for the battery of flashbulbs going off at the top. I have never seen so many it was blinding. I know he was one of the stars of the film but he did much more than some other stars who were there - Hugh Grant for one who didnt sign anything and just walked in.

I actually didnt think he looked that tall and he looked thinner, very much a pre bond body but Eva Green was very small and very thin as well. Maybe its because we seen them on the big screen and we think they are actually taller than they are.

Сообщение отредактировал Xev - Воскресенье, 02 Дек 2007, 00:52
XevДата: Воскресенье, 02 Дек 2007, 00:59 | Сообщение # 12
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Quote (Элен)
Пошла вчитываться!

Основная мысль, что он выглядел РОСКОШНО, похудел, вернулся ва добондовское состояние, в кино кажется выше, был очень мил с фанами, как всегда; Сацуки гораздо лучше в жизни, чем на фото, много беседует с о всеми на красной дорожке, пока Дэниел раздает интервью, создается впечталение, что она - важная часть всего процесса, и по соместительсву верная подруга; Николь просто статуетка, очень статно держится, настоящая звезда, Ева Грин очень красивая, обе очень доброжелательны к фанам. smile

Сообщение отредактировал Xev - Воскресенье, 02 Дек 2007, 00:59
ВЕТРЕННАЯДата: Воскресенье, 02 Дек 2007, 01:00 | Сообщение # 13
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ооооооооооооо нет слов

ЭленДата: Воскресенье, 02 Дек 2007, 01:10 | Сообщение # 14
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Спасибо Xev, !!! Эти основные мысли мне тоже удалось перевести!!! biggrin Сац видимо надо рассматривать" живьем", а не на фото! biggrin Там восхитились его запахом,я правильно поняла?

Quote (Xev)
Black suit

А костюмчик-то все-таки черный! biggrin

nattaДата: Понедельник, 03 Дек 2007, 17:12 | Сообщение # 15
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Xev, ты прелесть моя

BetinaДата: Понедельник, 03 Дек 2007, 21:05 | Сообщение # 16
Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell
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Quote (natta)
Там восхитились его запахом,я правильно поняла?

эх.... вот чего нам не хватает.... знать, как же он пахнет cry

XevДата: Вторник, 04 Дек 2007, 01:23 | Сообщение # 17
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Quote (Элен)
Там восхитились его запахом,я правильно поняла?

как раз наоброт: девушка так обалдела, что абсолютно забыла, что ей поручили на форуме, а именно, узнать как он пахнет!!! evil

Quote (Элен)
А костюмчик-то все-таки черный!

гы, вот я и думаю, что у меня с глазами, или с монитором, а может и с тем и с другим biggrin

Quote (Betina)
эх.... вот чего нам не хватает.... знать, как же он пахнет

а по мне так лучше не знать, хоть какая-то надежда остаться в живых сохранится wacko
ЭленДата: Вторник, 04 Дек 2007, 01:38 | Сообщение # 18
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Quote (Xev)
девушка так обалдела, что абсолютно забыла, что ей поручили на форуме, а именно, узнать как он пахнет!!!

Ну вот cry а мне ТАК хочется узнать,КАК ОН ПАХНЕТ!!!!

XevДата: Суббота, 29 Мар 2008, 00:52 | Сообщение # 19
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Рассказ дамы, снимавшейся в массовке на съемках в Панаме, с форума IMDB :

We had a great time filming next to Daniel Craig on the island. He is a total pro, on time, working hard than anyone else, following directions, giving suggestions, focused, always right where he needs to be, letting everyone do whatever they need to do to him or for him or around him. On top of that, he was very polite and friendly to all, without being "buddy buddy" (at least not with the extras). At one point, the boat he was "driving" (the real driver was hidden below) accidentally rammed into the boat we were in and I was knocked down into my seat. When I looked around, he was looking down into the boat at me, waved and asked, "Are you all right?" When I said I was, he nodded and went on. The second time it happened he called out to us, "I'm sorry, it's not my fault, I'm not even driving!"

Before this experience, I didn't think much of him, but I'm a fan now.

SKYДата: Воскресенье, 30 Мар 2008, 11:09 | Сообщение # 20
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какой хороший мальчик!
At one point, the boat he was "driving" (the real driver was hidden below)

вот как! а я наивная думала, он сам водит

Сообщение отредактировал SKY - Воскресенье, 30 Мар 2008, 11:20
КассандраДата: Понедельник, 31 Мар 2008, 13:26 | Сообщение # 21
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Нда....повезло это даме! Значит там где-то прячется рулевой.Но каков наш ,сама вежливость и предупредительность!

XevДата: Пятница, 24 Окт 2008, 21:46 | Сообщение # 22
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I Stood Next To Bond in An Elevator!

Jut dashing this off between interviews with Bond producer Barbara Broccoli and Bond girl Olga Kurylenko but I wanted to tell you about my 30 second encounter sharing an elevator with Daniel Craig. Of course, it was me, my media handler, his people and some random movie company folk. And I didn't much look at him because I don't want to look like a stalker.

But he was amazingly nice for the 1 floor that I was standing next to him, joking that the elevator was going to stop on every floor. And when we got off he said "Bye!"

So, that's it. I can tell you that his suit is impeccable and his eyes are that wolf blue...that make him great either as a movie love interest ("Lara Croft: Tomb Raider") or as a cold blooded psycho ("Road To Perdition"). I meet him in an hour. Keep ya posted!


Сообщение отредактировал Xev - Пятница, 24 Окт 2008, 21:47
exzotiДата: Воскресенье, 26 Окт 2008, 09:09 | Сообщение # 23
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Xev, Перевод плиз

Шизофрения как и было сказано

XevДата: Воскресенье, 26 Окт 2008, 18:22 | Сообщение # 24
Группа: Свои
Сообщений: 5325
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Quote (exzoti)
Xev, Перевод плиз

ну если коротко, то это блог журналистки из Майами, она брала у него интервью, а перед этим столкнулась с ним в лифте, он был шутлив, вежлив и предупредителен, костюм его был безупречен, а глаза по-волчьи голубые ( wacko я всегда думала, что у волков глаза желтые biggrin ). Про свое интервью она ничего нового не написала, поэтому я его и не вывешивала, он как всегда очень мил и прост в общении, такого запросто можно встретить в пабе...
ЮлияДата: Понедельник, 27 Окт 2008, 11:09 | Сообщение # 25
Группа: Свои
Сообщений: 765
Статус: Offline
Quote (Xev)
я всегда думала, что у волков глаза желтые

да, глаза желтые. может она имела ввиду собаку Хаску?
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