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World renowned fictional British agent, James Bond has been voted the best ever movie action hero - reports Malaysia Sun. The superspy climbed to the top by beating the likes of archaeologist Indiana Jones, Superman, Jack Bauer from TV's 24 and the Terminator. The favourite action heroines were Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Tomb Raider personality Lara Croft, reports the Sun. Sci-fic action flick, The Matrix, which starred Keanu Reeves, was voted as the top action movie. The poll which brought out these results was conducted by a cruise firm. mi6.co.uk Обсуждение |
Frank Miller once considered for James Bond comic book project
According to a new article on Comic Book Resources, which analyses comic urban legends, it has been revealed that legendary comic book artist Frank Miller was one in consideration for a James Bond project.
When asked why Miller's "Doctor Strange" work for Marvel Comics was never developed further than house artwork, it is claimed that he was under consideration for a James Bond project, so bowed out of drawing Doc.
The issues involved were released with artist Marshall Rogers in April 1981.
During this time, artist John McLusky and writer Jim Lawrence were working on series five of the 007 serialised newspaper strips published in the Daily Star (UK).
The first American-style comic book featuring James Bond appeared in 1989 with the first part of "Permission To Die". Next, Dark Horse Comics pu
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Legendary director Quentin Tarantino has claimed that producers stole his idea for the remake of Bond film Casino Royale. Starring actor Daniel Craig, the latest 007 film proved a huge hit with fans and won acclaim for Craig, who many people first doubted had what it takes to play the suave secret agent. Tarantino said he wanted to make a more gritty and less glamorous Bond film with previous 007 actor Pierce Brosnan but was told that it was unfilmable, the Mirror newspaper reports. But just months later production began on Casino Royale, with the emphasis on a tougher Bond and his role as a killer. "I resent that none of them gave me a shout-out that I'm the one got them making Casino Royale," he said. Movie mogul Harvey Weinstein is also said to have put forward Tarantino's name to 007 bosses. Tarantino claims: "They told him, 'We're
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Знаменитый агент 007, выдуманный Яном Флемингом, в действительности был больше похож на Шона Коннери, чем на последнего исполнителя его роли Дэниела Крейга. Как сообщает The Telegraph, к такому выводу пришли ученые, применив для определения внешности Джеймса Бонда технологию, которая активно используется в криминалистике. Профессор Роб Дженкинс (Rob Jenkins) из университета Глазго решил воссоздать образ Бонда таким, каким его представлял сам Флеминг. Для этого он при помощи специальных компьютерных программ сопоставил фотографии всех актеров, кандидатуры которых автор рассматривал в 1961 году. В составлении собирательного образа агента 007 были использованы изображения Кери Гранта, Дэвида Найвена, Джеймса Мэйсона, Рекса Харрисона, Ричарда Бартона и Стюарта Грейнджера. "В итоге мы получили лицо классической формы, которое гораздо больше напоминает сэра
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According to a report by Contact Music, Daniel Craig "wants veteran Bond girl JANE SEYMOUR to feature in the next instalment of the spy series - as his love interest". Seymour, 57, starred opposite Roger Moore in 1973's Live And Let Die, and Craig is apparently "petitioning movie bosses to bring her back for his follow-up to last year's Casino Royale". The site quotes Craig as saying, "Casino Royale was about early James Bond and I love the idea of him revisiting his past and meeting up with ex-loves. That has to include Jane Seymour. I'm a huge fan, I thought she was fantastic." *** According to the latest Hollywood gossip column in London's Metro newspaper, Halle Berry is making noise that she is 'desperate' to star in another James Bond film - this time opposite Daniel Craig. Berry played Jinx in Pierce Brosnan's fourth and final big sc
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В Париже проходит форум европейских культурологов. Предметом обсуждения специалистов по литературе и кино стал образ "агента 007", созданный писателем Йеном Флемингом. Инициаторами проведения "парижской бондианы" стали солидные организации - Национальная библиотека Франции при содействии университетов Версаля, Нантера и Сен-Кантена-ан-Ивелин. Участники встречи "разоблачили" образ Джеймса Бонда с точки зрения исторической, эстетической и даже психоаналитической. Этот литературный и киноперсонаж назван "человеком без биографии, без родителей, без родного дома и без долговременных любовных привязанностей". По мнению участников парижского симпозиума, его среда обитания - "мир, расколотый надвое "холодной войной" и "населенный одинокими и опасными параноиками", "стремящимися сломать установленный порядок". Однако, наряду с сокрушительной критикой, куль
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Пираты Карибского Моря - Сундук Мертвеца - на втором месте. 007 becomes top 2006 film in U.K. 'Dead Man's Chest' forced into second place By ARCHIE THOMAS LONDON — Sony's "Casino Royale" has become the U.K.'s top-grossing pic of 2006 thanks to another solid weekend holdover. Last weekend, the Bond pic dipped just 20% to take £917,000 ($1.8 million). Daniel Craig starrer has now scooped just over ($104 million) in nine frames, nudging it past the $103 million taken by "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest," which opened July 7. Launching in late November, "Casino Royale" got off to a fast start, banking $21.6 million in its first three days -- the third biggest bow in U.K. box office history. Fueled by strong word of mouth, "Casino Royale" did impressive biz over the holiday period. The whammo take has vindicated E
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