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Главная » 2007 » Июль » 22 » 02:27 » Дэниел может сыграть Стива МакКуина в биографическом фильме

Дэниел может сыграть Стива МакКуина в биографическом фильме
По крайней мере, этого хочет первая жена МакКуина, актриса Нейл Адамс, выпустившая бестселлер о жизни мужа.

Вот что пишет британский воскресный журнал You (imdb):

"Neile still sings in clubs all over the States, and there are plans afoot to turn her book in a film - Neile wants Eva Longoria to play her role (Eva bears an uncanny resemblance to Neile in her youth) and Daniel Craig to take the part of Steve. 'He's perfect. He has the same kind of intensity as Steve, and those eyes! But he may be too big a name now and, let's face it, it's a role fraught with danger.'

Недаром Дэниела постоянно сравнивают с Энтони МакКуином. Будем надеятся, что если такое предложение поступит Дэниелу, он долго раздумывать не будет.

April 13, 2007
Eva Longoria: The Next 'Bond' Girl?

There is no denying that “Desperate Housewife” Eva Longoria is one sexy leading lady.

But is true that Eva is about to follow in Halle Berry’s footsteps and spice up the big screen as the latest 007 Bond babe?

No! But “Extra” has learned that Eva will star alongside newest 007 Daniel Craig in a movie about the rugged film legend Steve McQueen.

Daniel will play the icon, and Eva will star as his first wife in the movie about their marriage, which was rocked by sex, drugs and violence.

Posted by ExtraTV Staff on April 13, 2007 9:34 AM

By Ian Brandes 08/04/2007

JAMES Bond star Daniel Craig is set to play movie hero Steve McQueen in a new blockbuster film.

Mr and Mrs McQueen will tell the story of his turbulent first marriage to Neile Adams - to be played by Desperate Housewives babe Eva Longoria.

Based on Neile's book, My Husband, My Friend it explores their 15 years together, which were scarred by Great Escape star McQueen's drug and alcohol abuse, sex with groupies and leading ladies, and his violence against her.

A film insider said: "Eva and Daniel are perfect for the lead roles - as they bear an uncanny resemblance to the McQueens when young."

McQueen died aged 50 in 1980 of lung cancer.

He starred in films like Bullitt, The Getaway, The Thomas Crown Affair, The Great Escape and The Magnificent Seven.

McQueen wed Niele in 1956 and they had two children, but she divorced him over his infidelities.


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