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Вторник • 11 Фев 2025 • 04:24
Главная » 2007 » Июль » 21 » 16:30 » ВТОРЖЕНИЕ переделали

ВТОРЖЕНИЕ переделали
April 4, 2007 - The story behind Warners' long-delayed The Invasion is shaping up to be as interesting as whatever tale the filmmakers eventually come up with, a tale which is reportedly still being reworked.

Invasion was directed by German helmer Oliver Hirschbiegel (Downfall) but, according to Collider.com, the reshoots that were recently done will change the film far more substantially than first thought.

Collider claims that "Warner Bros. saw an early rough cut of The Invasion and realized it needed a little work. The director, Oliver Hirschbiegel, was 'unavailable' to work on the planned reshoots, so Warner Bros. and [producer] Joel Silver brought in a pair of writer/directors that they knew they could rely upon, The Wachowski Brothers. It was reported that they came in to shoot a new ending. But I can report that they rewrote over 2/3 of the film, and brought in their trusted colleague, James McTeigue (V for Vendetta), to direct the material while they were busy prepping their own film [Speed Racer]."

The site adds that Warners and Silver now feel they have a more commercially viable product on their hands.

Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig star in the film, which was previously entitled The Visiting and was once touted as a re-imagining of The Invasion of the Body Snatchers.


Категория: Новости о Дэниэле | Просмотров: 865
Добавил: Betina

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