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Четверг • 02 Янв 2025 • 23:34
Главная » 2007 » Июль » 21 » 15:19 » Он еще и готовить умеет!

Он еще и готовить умеет!
26 JANUARY 2007

James Bond is a man who can charm women in several different languages, fly a fighter plane and shake up a mean martini. And it seems that the actor behind the spy's current incarnation, Daniel Craig, is no less multi-talented.

As well as being an athletic hero with the body of an Adonis, Daniel has revealed he has another ace up his sleeve. He has let slip that he can cook. And, what's more, he enjoys doing so.

The Casino Royale star revealed he used to work as a chef in a pub before he hit the big time. Sadly romantic dinners a deux are not his speciality. "I love to cook. But because I used to work in the hostelry industry, I can't cook for a few, because I'm used to cooking for 20 or more at a time. So there are always a lot of leftovers," he explained.

"Cooking is something that is in your blood. Even now, when I go into a working kitchen, a shiver runs down my spine."

Perhaps Daniel's culinary skills will come in handy for whipping up a 'Get Well Soon' cake for his The Invasion co-star, Nicole Kidman. The Australian actress, who is currently filming with Daniel in LA, was involved in an on-set crash when the car in which she was travelling collided with a lamp post. She was taken to hospital on Thursday morning but released later that afternoon.


Категория: Новости о Дэниэле | Просмотров: 978
Добавил: Betina

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