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Главная » 2007 » Июль » 21 » 15:12 » Дэниэл Крэйг говорит о своей личной жизни

Дэниэл Крэйг говорит о своей личной жизни

Daniel Craig, who will play James Bond in the upcoming Casino Royale, has been linked to Kate Moss and Sienna Miller – but now he's happily dating "a beautiful American producer" named Satsuki Mitchell, he says in a new interview.

"We're together, and she's been experiencing this whole situation with me," Craig, 38, tells Parade in its upcoming issue. "That's incredibly important." Mitchell has worked on movies including the 2005 Adrien Brody drama The Jacket and 2004's Godsend with Robert DeNiro.

Craig credits their happiness to hard work. "Any relationship needs a little love and care at least once a day," he says. "I don't want to get soppy about it, but you've got the put the time in. it doesn't matter who you are, you've got to keep putting it in."

The British-born actor also talks about the pressures involved in taking on the role of the world's most famous spy. "Maybe I'm not the prettiest Bond that's ever been, and maybe I'm not the suavest," he says. "All I can say is there are millions of fans, and I don't want to let them down. I've worked my butt off for this movie. I'm not going to foul it up."

Though he's appeared in some 30 movies, including Sylvia and Munich, it is Casino Royale, in theaters Nov. 17, that promises to make Craig a household name. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

"I got a lot of work quite young, but nothing that you'd call success," he says. "The experiences I've gained made me a happier person. If I had been successful when I was younger, I would have blown it."


Категория: Новости о Дэниэле | Просмотров: 1057
Добавил: Betina

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