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Биография Дэниэла Крэйга
BetinaДата: Воскресенье, 22 Июл 2007, 05:08 | Сообщение # 1
Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell
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ЭленДата: Пятница, 28 Сен 2007, 23:55 | Сообщение # 2
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Еще одна вариация на тему биографии...

Меня зовут Крейг. Дэниел Крейг

Дэниел Крейг проснулся знаменитым, когда по новостным агентствам прошла информация о том, что мало кому известный британский актер обошел кучу звезд - претендентов на роль нового Джеймса Бонда в «Казино Рояль», очередном фильме Бондианы. Но слава эта была, мягко говоря, дурная. Никто не верил, что у него получится.

Карьера артиста Крейга на самом деле складывалась, пожалуй, даже слишком спокойно. Он никогда не загадывал на завтра, любил свою работу и не отказывался даже от крошечных ролей. Кстати, мы множество раз видели его в кино, но у Крейга, как выяснилось, та самая вожделенная любым актером внешность, которую всего лишь правильно поставленное освещение способно поменять до неузнаваемости.

Короче говоря, мы знали и даже почти любили артиста Крейга задолго до выхода на экраны красивейшего «Казино Рояль», в котором он блистательно сыграл мужчину грез - супермена, романтика и, что уж там скрывать, невероятно привлекательного атлета. Помните, голый Крейг, привязанный к стулу, лихо играет мускулами в ожидании очередного удара между ног? Красота же невероятная. Кстати, человек, обучавший Крейга-Бонда пользоваться оружием, высказался обактере так:«Дэниел - единственный из Бондов, который в реальной жизни мог бы пройти отбор в САС (британские подразделения особого назначения. - Прим. ред.). Он силен, умен и выглядит как убийца». В следующей части Бондианы у нас будет возможность еще раз полюбоваться на все это великолепие, что, согласитесь, отличная перспектива. Тем более что теперь никто не сомневается в том, что у Крейга получится.

Жизнь в театре

Дэниел Враугтон Крейг родился 2 марта 1968 года в небольшом английском городке Честер. Его отец сменил множество профессий. До развода он успел по плавать на торговых судах, поработать на заводе и даже некоторое время владел собственным пабом. Мать Крейга работала школьной учительницей и обожала театр. После развода, вместо того чтобы лить слезы над своей разрушенной женской судьбой, мама нашего героя заняла свои вечера участием в самодеятельном Общественном ливерпульском театре, куда таскала и детей. «Мое детство прошло за кулисами лучшего в мире театра: там не было интриг, обид и скандалов, люди приходили туда только потому, что любили сцену, именно глядя на них я захотел стать актером», - скажет потом Крейг.

В школе Дэниел звезд с неба не хватал, зато у него была куча друзей, место в команде по рэгби и бешеная компания фанатов футбольного клуба «Ливерпуль», который как раз тогда был едва ли не сильнейшим в Англии. Вообще, надо сказать, в жизни будущего Бонда не было никаких серьезных душевных травм или тяжелых потрясений, он никогда не голодал, не чувствовал себя одиноким или ненужным, был абсолютно уверен, что семья поддержит любое его решение. Так и вышло. Когда он как-то за ужином заявил, что хочет быть актером, мама сказала пару слов о том, что это крайне нестабильная профессия, а потом вздохнула и заявила сыну, что Национальный молодежный театр проводит в Манчестере набор в труппу. Крейг поехал, прошел прослушивание и довольно быстро получил роль Агамемнона в спектакле «Троил и Крессида», с которым потом объездил весь мир. Мало кто знает, что с этой постановкой Крейг приезжал и в Россию, о которой у него остались крайне смутные воспоминания. «После спектакля мы выпивали много водки, пели хором песни битлов, а потом шли гулять на Красную площадь. Кажется, это было весело и красиво, но наверняка сказать не могу». Кстати говоря, денег в этом театре платили совсем мало и Крейг параллельно подрабатывал то официантом, то уборщиком и с каждым днем все больше задумывался о том, что хорошо бы все-таки получить профессиональное актерское образование.

Любовь и деньги

Его выбор пал на школу драматического мастерства, которую в разные годы закончили Джозеф Файнс и Эван Макгрегор. Выбор, как показало время, был абсолютно правильный, ведь именно туда пришла ассистентка по актерам в поисках актера на роль мерзавца-военного, издевающегося над несчастным маленьким мальчиком. Ушастый, коренастый Крейг пришел на пробы и сходу получил эту роль. Фильм назывался «Сила одного», в 1992 году он вышел на экраны, и за Крейгом моментально закрепился имидж актера, идеально подходящего на отрицательные роли. «Я не позволял себе выбирать роли, соглашался на все, что предлагали, потому что мне надо было заработать денег, чтобы наконец-то жениться». Зато в театре все обстояло куда радужней В спектакле «Ангелы в Америке» он сыграл гомосексуалиста, скрывающего свою ориентацию от жены и друзей. Эта роль принесла ему совершенно сумасшедший успех, а английские и американские геи моментально возвели его в статус идола и долго отказывались поверить, что актер непоколебимо гетеросексуален. Вообще, если говорить о женщинах в его жизни, с грустью приходится признать, что в личной жизни Крейга не было ни одного громкого скандала. Даже расходиться со своими женщинами Крейг умудрялся так, что ни одна из его бывших пассий слова плохого о нем ни разу не сказала.

Итак, в 1992 году Крейг сочетался законным браком с молодой шотландской актрисой Фионой Лаудон, и спустя полгода после свадьбы у них родилась дочь. «Меня нельзя назвать сумасшедшим отцом, я жуткий эгоист, люблю поздно просыпаться и знать ничего не желаю о том, как готовить фруктовое пюре. Но я всегда считал и считаю, что дети - отличный способ не зачерстветь окончательно. Потому что, когда они требуют любви, им невозможно отказать. Так что я, видимо, разумный эгоист».
Театральная карьера развивалась бурными темпами, чего нельзя сказать о кино, но все-таки и там о нем не забывали. Он постоянно мелькал на экране, критики весьма лестно отзывались об эпизодах с его участием. Правда, большая яркая роль все никак не приходила. Зато пришла новая любовь. В 1997 году на съемках фильма «Одержимость» Крейг познакомился с немецкой актрисой Хайке Макатш, честно договорился с женой о разводе и поселился вместе с новой избранницей

«Любовь не поддается логике, и даже
мне, склонному раскладывать мир по полочкам, до сих пор непонятно, как подобное безумие могло случиться с таким скучным и унылым типом, как я».
В 1998 году, после небольшой, но отменно сыгранной роли заговорщика в кинохите «Елизавета» о Крейге заговорили всерьез. Потом он плавно перекочевал в картину «Любовь - это дьявол», где сыграл возлюбленного главного героя (к слову, роль гомосексуалиста ему опять принесла шумный успех). За эту работу Крейг получил приз на Эдинбургском кинофестивале. А три года спустя за фильм «Голоса» его и вовсе назвали лучшим актером Британии. Любовь, так мощно окрылившая Крейга, закончилась семь лет спустя. Сейчас он встречается с продюсершей Сэтсуки Митчелл, с которой познакомился шесть лет назад на съемках фильма «Пиджак». Впрочем, роман между ними случился позже, но оба они категорически отказываются говорить о личной жизни, а на публике и вовсе появились вместе лишь на премьере «Казино Рояль».

Куча денег и мускулы

Итак, старая любовь кончилась, а взлет продолжался - Крейга позвали в Голливуд. Первым его американским фильмом стал «Лара Крофт - расхитительница гробниц», потом были «Проклятый путь Сэма Мендеса» и работа со Стивеном Спилбергом в фильме «Мюнхен». Ну а дальше вы все знаете: случился Бонд, который, вопреки многочисленным прогнозам, удался Крейгу едва ли не лучше, чем его предшественникам. Причем актер смог одновременно влюбить в себя и мужчин, и женщин, и детей. Такое до него получалось только у шотландца Шона Коннери, которого, кстати, сам Дэниел считает лучшим Бондом в истории кино.
Продюсеры немедленно продлили с ним контракт, и через пару лет мы снова увидим его в роли агента секретной службы Ее Величества. Впрочем, теперь Крейг опасается другого - того, что его будут воспринимать исключительно суперменом, и с радостью соглашается работать в малобюджетных, артхаусных проектах. «Выбирая роль, я главным образом смотрю на то, как она может изменить лично меня, что мне может дать новый образ. Если нахожу, то соглашаюсь. Бонд, например, подарил мне кучу денег и отличные мускулы».

В триллере «Вторжение» Крейг сыграл психиатра, пытающегося вместе с сыном остановить чудовищную эпидемию, которую наслали на жителей маленького городка инопланетяне. Его партнерша по фильму Николь Кидман, весьма скупая на комплименты, через неделю после начала съемок на вопрос журналиста, как ей работается с Крейгом, сказала: «Никогда раньше я не чувствовала себя так комфортно. Он идеальный партнер, в том смысле что рядом с ним не страшно ошибиться. Он не ругается, не поджимает зубы, а начинает помогать. Он фантастически надежный мужчина, и он, как и я, любит по-настоящему страшное кино». До сих пор в жизни Крейга - зануды и педанта, как он сам себя называет, - не было ни одного провала. И, похоже, не предвидится - такая вот у Крейга скучная, но зато вполне счастливая жизнь.


Сообщение отредактировал Элен - Суббота, 29 Сен 2007, 00:06
balulaДата: Суббота, 29 Сен 2007, 00:03 | Сообщение # 3
Я - собачко
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Элен, Супер

МечтаДата: Суббота, 29 Сен 2007, 00:30 | Сообщение # 4
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Элен, это просто бальзам на душу!
ЭленДата: Суббота, 29 Сен 2007, 00:42 | Сообщение # 5
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Ну захвалили! Я же только скопировала текст и выделила кое-какие пассажи biggrin

SKYДата: Суббота, 29 Сен 2007, 01:17 | Сообщение # 6
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Опять немного переврали, но не страшно. Классная статья.
NoWorriesДата: Суббота, 29 Сен 2007, 12:32 | Сообщение # 7
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Статейка замечательная respect

MarishkaДата: Суббота, 29 Сен 2007, 16:02 | Сообщение # 8
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Как все в жизни бывает просто Честно договорился с женой о разводе и поселился с новой избранницей cool wink

AnnaДата: Понедельник, 01 Окт 2007, 10:58 | Сообщение # 9
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Не мужчина, а просто мечта!!!!!!!!!!

BetinaДата: Вторник, 02 Окт 2007, 15:39 | Сообщение # 10
Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell
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оооо, отличная статейка, респект автору respect

Quote (Элен)
Даже расходиться со своими женщинами Крейг умудрялся так, что ни одна из его бывших пассий слова плохого о нем ни разу не сказала.

похоже на то biggrin и как можно сказать о нем плохое... есть такие мужчины, которые умеют уходить красиво...

Quote (Элен)
как подобное безумие могло случиться с таким скучным и унылым типом, как я

biggrin ну прямо, прибеднился мальчик

Quote (Элен)
Он фантастически надежный мужчина


AlisachkaДата: Пятница, 30 Май 2008, 15:14 | Сообщение # 11
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а это вам как?

nattaДата: Пятница, 30 Май 2008, 15:36 | Сообщение # 12
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Quote (Alisachka)
а это вам как?

и как это я пропустила, я постоянно пасусь там, покупала у них книгу "Bond on set"
ну очередной пасиб smile

ElvenstarДата: Понедельник, 12 Янв 2009, 01:42 | Сообщение # 13
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Биография Дэна в хронологическом порядке
(спс agrippina с ДТД )


Born in Chester, March 2 1968

Lived upstairs the Ring O' Bells pub at 2 Bellemonte Rd., Overton, Frodsham, Chesire, until divorce in 1972

Attends the Frodsham Church of England Primary School, years 1972-?

Parents divorce when Daniel is 4 years old and he moves with his mother and sister Lea/Lia to central Liverpool, 1972

His mother, Carol, took him to see a play for the first time at the age of 5, 1973

His father, Tim, takes him to see his first Bond movie, Live And Let Die, 1973

His father, Tim, marries Shirley Lewis, 1974

Wrote an essay about his future career plans as an actor at the age of 6, 1974

Announces that he wants to be an actor at the age of 6, 1974

Later moves to Hoylake, Wirral, by 1976

Stage debut in a production of "Oliver" in the Hoylake primary school at the age of 8, 1976

At age of 8 performs on a cruise with his grandparents, 1976?

Attends the Hoylake Church of England Primary School, at least between 1976 – 1979

Moves to Hoylake on the Wirral when he's 9 years old, 1977

Fails his Eleven Plus exam usually taken at the age of 11-12, 1979/1980

Attends Hilbre High School, 1980-1984?

Plays rugby for Hoylake Rugby Club, years?

Performs in school productions of "Oliver" (twice; Mr. Sowerberry, the undertaker), "Cinderella" (twice, One of the ugly sisters), "The Crucible" (as Proctor), "The Real Inspector Hound", "Romeo And Juliet" (as Mercutio)

Member of the Heswall Woolgartherers, a local amateur dramatic society, performs in "No More Sitting on the Old School Bench"

Used to rehearse stunt scenes and dying with mates

Receives Ted Hughes' book "Crow" as a 10th birthday present, 1978

Sees Ted Hughes at a poetry reading in Liverpool and is not impressed

The year of the famous Oliver casting session, 1981

Singer in a band called Inner Voices with school friends and make a tape to enter a band competition, 1983

Tries a Foundation Course, but leaves that as well, 1983-1984?

Works in a Hoylake restaurant for cash before leaving for London, 1983/1984?

Auditions for NYT in Manchester, sent there by his mother, 1984

Quits school at 16, moves to London, 1984

National Youth Theatre 1984-1989

Dates Marina Pepper for ca. 6 months when he is 18 years old, date uncertain but possibly in 1986

Daniel is a massive supporter of Welsh Soccer team Wrexham FC and has been since childhood.


Tim marries Kirsty in the later 80s (?), gets a son called Harry in 1990

Guildhall School of Music and Drama (http://www.gsmd.ac.uk/ , graduation year 1991)

Earns his Equity Card by being the Marmite Man, date uncertain

Shooting “The Power of One”, May 20/29 - July 23

Shooting "Anglo Saxon Attitudes", starting September 9

Gets married in Edinburgh (July 2?) at the age of 23 to Fiona Loudon, a Scottich actress/singer

Daughter Ella born in November (?) 1992

Six/seven/eight months out of work at some point?

Shooting “Boon”, date?

Shooting “Covington Cross”, March 1992

“The Power of One” release date, March 27, 1992

"Anglo Saxon Attitudes" TV premiere, May 12, 1992

Shooting "Between The Lines", production ends July 17, 1992

“No Remission”, Midnight Theatre Company, Lyric Theatre (Hammersmith), July 23 - August 15, 1992

Shooting “Sharpe's Eagle”, starting August 6, 1992

“Covington Cross” TV premiere, August 25, 1992

“Boon” TV premiere, September 8, 1992

Shooting “Zorro: A Conspiracy Of Blood”?, 1992


Shooting “The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles", 1993?

Shooting “Heartbeat”, 1993?

"Zorro", TV premiere, January 9 and 16

Shooting “Drop the Dead Donkey”, February/March, 1993

“Drop the Dead Donkey”, TV premiere March 11, 1993

“Sharpe's Eagle”, TV premiere May 12, 1993

Shooting “Genghis Cohn”, June 19 - July 16, 1993

“The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Palestine, October 1917”, TV premiere August 14, 1993

“Between the Lines”, TV premiere October 5, 1993

“Heartbeat”, TV premiere October 31, 1993

“Angels In America”, Royal National Theatre, starting from November 20, 1993


Divorces Fiona Loudon, final by December 20?

Shooting “A Kid In King Arthur’s Court”, August 15 - October 10

Shooting "Saint-Ex", starting September 12

“The Rover”, Women's Playhouse Trust, October 19 - November 5

Possibly started working on “Our Friends In The North” in October-December?, auditions at least, starting November 7

Having had little work during the year is in deep financial trouble


Shooting “Our Friends in the North”, until September

“A Kid in King Arthur’s Court” premiere, August 11

Shooting "Kiss And Tell", production year 1995


Has a flat in Highgate, North London

At the beginning of the year, has a stormy relationship with a French actress in London?

Shooting “The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanders”, dates?

Shooting "The Ice House", production year 1996

"Our Friends In The North", TV premiere Januar y 15

Shooting "Tales From The Crypt", February 24-28

"Tales From The Crypt", TV premiere June 21

Shooting “Obsession”, mid July - September 14

Meets Heike Makatsch on the set of "Obsession" during the summer

“Kiss and Tell” TV premiere, November 11

“The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanders”, TV premiere Dec ember 1


"Hurlyburly" at the Peter Hall's company, Old Vic, March 25 – April 21

Shooting “Love Is The Devil”, May 5 - June 19

Gets to know John Maybury and Baillie Walsh

"Obsession" premiere in Germany, with Heike Makatsch, August 28

Shooting "Elizabeth", September 1 or 2 - December 2

Shooting "Love And Rage", November 10 - January 10, 1998


Lives in a rented flat in West London, Ella and Fiona live in Chiswick, London

Attends Cannes Film Festival to promote "Love Is The Devil", May 13-24

Shooting “I Dreamed of Africa”, August 24 or 29 - November 20

Attends the premiere of "Love Is The Devil" in London, September 16?

"Elizabeth" premiere, October 2

Shooting “The Trench”, starting November 5

Rehearses kitchen work for “Hotel Splendide” in the Savoy Hotel


Has become member of The Colony Room Club in London

Shooting "The Visitor", starting (?) January 4

Shooting "Hotel Splendide", February or March - April 1999

Premiere of "Love And Rage" at the Dublin Film Festival, April 15 - did he attend?

Shooting "Some Voices", September 12 - October 22

“The Trench” premiere, September 17

Nominated for Best Actor in the British Independent Film Awards for "The Trench", held October 14


Lives near Goldshawk Road in Shepherd's Bush

Receives "Shooting Star" as one of the Best Young Actors in Europe by the European Film Promotion , February 5-15

Attends the Berlin Film festival in February to promote "Hotel Splendide", February 5-15

Shooting "Sword Of Honour", 14 weeks around mid-July

Cast as Alex West in "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider", July/August

Attends the 54th Edinburgh Film Festival to promote "Some Voices" and "Hotel Splendide", August 24

Attends the British Independent Film Awards in London, October 25

Shooting "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider", July 31 - November 30


"Sword Of Honour" TV premiere, January 2

Cast as Connor Rooney in "Road To Perdition" by director Sam Mendes after he had seen Daniel in "Sword of Honour" on TV (broadcast starting January 2, 2001), January/February

Shooting "Road To Perdition", March 5 - June

Attends the "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" premiere in Los Angeles, June 11

Attends the 12e Festival du Film Britannique de Dinard in France, October 6

Attends the European Film Awards in Berlin, Germany, with Heike Makatsch, December 1


Lives in London with Heike Makatsch, doing up his house

Attends the Golden Camera Awards in Germany, with Heike Makatsch, February 5

Shooting "The Mother", June 17 - August

Attends the pre-premiere screening of "Road To Perdition" in Chicago, June 25

Attends press conference for "Road To Perdition"in Chicago, June 27

Attends the "Road To Perdition" premiere in New York City with Heike Makatsch, July 9

Cast as Ted Hughes in "Sylvia", early August?

Attends the 59th Venice Film Festival, Italy, to promote "Road To Perdition" with Heike Makatsch, August 31

Meets Gwyneth Paltrow for the first time at Hotel Cipriani in Venice, late August/early September

Attends the "Road To Perdition" premiere in London with Heike Makatsch, September 18

Performing in "A Number", September 26 - November 16

Shooting "Sylvia", late October - end of November 2002, January 2003


Attends the premiere of "Anatomie 2" in Germany, with Heike Makatsch, January 27

Attends the BAFTA Awards in London, at least the after party, February 23

Travels to Dublin to watch rugby with his father, maybe in late March?

Attends the Cannes Film Festival, France, with Heike Makatsch, May 18

Shooting "Layer Cake", June 30 - August 31

Attends the Serpentine Gallery Summer Party, July 2

Shooting "Enduring Love", September 15 - November 21

Attends the "Sylvia" press conference in London (The Dorchester), October 13

Attends The Times BFI London Film Festival 2003 - British Gala - screening for "The Mother" in London with Heike Makatsch, October 25

Photographed by Helene Christensen for Elle UK on its 18th birthday issue, October

Attends The Times BFI London Film Festival 2003 Closing Gala Night and After Party for "Sylvia" in London with Heike Makatsch, November 6

Attends the premiere of "Love Actually" in London with Heike Makatsch, November 16

Promoting "Sylvia" (and "The Mother") late in the year, probably after wrapping "Enduring Love" in November?

Shooting "Sorstalanság", after December 15


Beach holiday on Mauritius with Heike Makatsch, around January 17

Shooting "The Jacket", January 14 - March 2004

Break-up with Heike Makatsch sometime at the beginning of the year, end of January?

Nominated for British Actor Of The Year at the London Critics Circle Film Awards 2004, Februay 11?

Attended the xxth Academy Awards in Los Angeles, February 29

Affair with Kate Moss, March - April - June?

Photographed in London walking about and talking on the phone, May 15

Attends the Alexander McQueen American Express Fashion Show in London with Kate Moss, June 3
Meets Steven Spielberg in Paris for casting of "Munich", May/June

News about his casting in Munich in the tabloid press, June 13, repeated June 27

Attends a screening of "Farenheit 9/11" in London, June 29

Photographed for the first time with Satsuki Mitchell shopping in Beverly Hills, August 2

Interviewed during "meetings" in Los Angeles, August?

Attends the 31st Telluride Film Festival, in Telluride, Colorado, September 4

Attends the 61st Venice Film Festival, Italy, September 7

Attends the Toronto Film Festival, Canada, to promote "Enduring Love", September 11

Attends a private screening of "Enduring Love" in New York City, September 13

Junket for "Layer Cake" and "Enduring Love" in London, September?

Attends the premiere of "Layer Cake" in London, September 23

Shooting "Archangel", September - December

"Enduring Love" shown at the London Film Festival, October 26-27 - Did he attend?

Mentioned to be dating Satsuki Mitchell in an interview, November 25

Nominated for Best Actor at the British Independent Film Awards 2004 - did he attend the ceremony, November 30?

Nominated for Best Actor at European Film Awards 2004 held in Barcelona, Spain, December 11


Lives in northwest London in a Victorian house badly in need of renovation, is a regular in a nearby working men's pub The Bankers Draught

Attends the BAFTA - LA Tea Party ro promote "Layer Cake" in Los Angeles (Park Hyatt Hotel), January 15

Attends the Sundance Film Festival to promote "The Jacket" and "Layer Cake" in Park City, Utah, January 21-27

Attends the Awards of the London Film Critics Circle in London, February 9

Attends the BAFTA Awards in London, February 12

Attends the Elle Style Awards in London, February 15

Nominated for Best British Actor in Empire Awards - probably did not attend the ceremony held in London, March 13?

"Archangel", TV premiere March 19-20

Shooting "Infamous" in the US, April-May?

False reports in the UK on landing Bond, April 6

Attends the 4th Annual Tribeca Film Festival for the "Layer Cake" Premiere in New York City, April 22

Attends the 48th San Francisco International Film Festival to promote "Layer Cake", April 26

Attended the 35th USA Film Festival in Dallas, Texas, as "Layer Cake" was shown, April 28

Attends the "Layer Cake" West Hollywood press conference in Los Angels, April 29

Attends the "Layer Cake" Los Angeles premiere, with Satsuki Mitchell, May 2

Attends a screening of "The Jacket" in London, May 9

Attends Arena 02 Club Awards party in London, June 8

Shooting "Munich" in many parts of Europe, July-August?

Casting as "Ben Driscoll" in "The Invasion" revealed, mid-August

Attends the 11th Sarajevo Film Festival in Bosnia Herzegovina with Satsuki Mitchell, August 19-27

Attends GQ Men of the Year Awards in London (The Royal Opera House), September 6

Alleged fling with Sienna Miller around mid-September?

Bond auditions in mid-September?

Shooting "The Invasion" in the US, September 23 - December

Press conference for "The Visiting" in Washington, DC, September 23

Gets The Call from Barbara Broccoli whilst in a Baltimore supermarket shopping for groceries, ca. October 8-9

Flew to England for the Bond launch on Wednesday, October 12 according to Daily Mail

Bond launch in London October 14 (Satsuki Mitchell present)

23 October, Craig signed a five-film contract with EON Productions to portray James Bond

Attends the fundraising reception for the launch of the Los Angeles Young Actors Company in Los Angeles, at the British Consular residence, November 6

Nominated for Best Actor at the European Film Awards 2005 (also for Layer Cake) - did he attend the ceremony in Germany?, December 3

Attends a private screening of "Munich" in Los Angeles, December 20


Holidays in Cabo San Lucas (Palmilla Hotel), Mexico, with Satsuki Mitchell, early January

Shooting "Casino Royale" in Europe and the Bahamas, January – July

Attends the Stella Artois Championships at Queen's Club in London with Satsuki Mitchell, June 18

Shooting "The Golden Compass" in the UK late summer/early fall

Seen dining with Nicole Kidman in Berkeley Hotel, London, August 24

Paparazzi photos in London, outside the restaurant Cipriani's with Satsuki Mitchell, October 10

Photographed shopping and taking gas at Maida Vale Tesco Express, London, October 14

Photographed shopping at Fresh And Wild food shop in London, with Satsuki Mitchell, October 23

Promotional tour for "Casino Royale" October - December
Moscow, Russia: opening of Omega store, with Satsuki Mitchell, October 26
Stockholm. Sweden: photocall on October 31
New York City, USA: press conference, November 4
Paris, France: premiere, with Satsuki Mitchell, November 17
Madrid, Spain: photocall, premiere, November 20
Berlin, Germany: premiere, with Satsuki Mitchell, November 21
Tokyo, Japan: premiere November 30
Melbourne, Australia: premiere, with Satsuki Mitchell, December 4
Seoul, South Korea: photocall, premiere December 11

Attends the MTV Europe Music Awards in Copenhagen, Denmark, with Satsuki Mitchell, November 2

Royal premiere of "Casino Royale" in London with Satsuki Mitchell, November 14

Has his London house under complete renovation according to Belga Pictures, November 13

Photo session and interview for W magazine in London, a Saturday a week after "Casino Royale" was released?

Shooting bits of "The Golden Compass" still in November?

Craig was invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences


Spends his New Year in Yorkshire in the company of Jay Jopling and Sam Taylor-Wood

Attends a preview screening of "Infamous" in London with Satsuki Mitchell, January 7
Photographed leaving the UK to go to Los Angeles, January 12

Seen working out with his own trainer at an Equinox gym in West Hollyood, California, January 14

Seen parking a Jaguar and entering Greenblatt's deli with Satsuki Mitchell, January 15

Seen shopping at The Grove at Abercrombie & Fitch and seen parking an Escalade at the Beverly Hills Juice shop (they had wheat grass shots) so that Satsuki Mitchell could not exit, January 17

Seen lunching at Bristol on Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, with Satsuki Mitchell, January 18

Promotional tour of "Casino Royale" continues in Asia
Beijing, China: photocall, premiere with Satsuki Mitchell, January 27
Shanghai, China: press conference, premiere with Satsuki Mitchell, January 30

Reshoots of "The Invasion" in the US in January

Attends the Evening Standard British Film Awards 2007 dinner in London with Satsuki Mitchell, February 4

Attends the BAFTA Awards in London with Satsuki Mitchell, February 11

Attends the Film Independent's Spirit Awards in Santa Monica with Satsuki Mitchell, February 24

Attends the 79th Annual Academy Awards in Los Angeles with Satsuki Mitchell, February 25

Participates in the Comic Relief charity by performing as himself with Catherine Tate as Elaine Figgis, March

Attends Elton John's and Sam Taylor-Wood's birthday party in London with Satsuki Mitchell, March 13

Buying coffee anfd magazines in London, March 19

Seen in Sherman Oaks, California, exiting a Whole Foods shop, March 29

Seen in Helmsley, North Yorkshire, shopping for wellies and caps, April 3

Paparazzi photos of running errands in London, April 10

Photographed running in the street in London, April 12

New, short haircut around April 10

Seen shopping at Harvey Nichols in London with Satsuki Mitchell, April 14

Reshoots of "The Golden Compass" during the spring, April-May?

Attends the Cannes Film Festival to promote "The Golden Compass" with Satsuki Mitchell, May 17-24

School band tape emerges in Liverpool, May 21

Shooting "Flashbacks of a Fool" in South Africa and the UK, May-July?

In LA with Bond producers and Satsuki Mitchell, June 15

Attends the christening of Sam Taylor-Wood's and Jay Jopling's child in London with Satsuki Mitchell, June 30

Photographed in London visiting a gym, being picked up by a driver and visiting a clinic on Harley Street, July 24

Seen in a pub in Tafarn Pen-y-Bont near Pwllheli, Gwynedd, in North Wales, August 10

Attends the Palio at Siena, Italy, August 16

Shooting "Defiance" in Lithuania, mid-August – mid-November (?)

Photographed in Vilnius getting out of a restaurant with Satsuki Mitchell, August 22 (?)

Attends the National Movie Awards via a videoclip from Lithuania, September 28

Photographed in Lithuania (Vilnius?) walking on the street with Satsuki Mitchell, October 9

Training for Bond 22 starts right after shooting of "Defiance" finishes, October/November

Attends the 12th British Academy's Children's in London, November 25

World premiere of "The Golden Compass" in London with Satsuki Mitchell, November 27

Attends the British Independent Film Awards in London with Satsuki Mitchell, November 28

Attends the "Golden Compass" press conference in London, December 3

Holidays in the Bahamas during Christmas with Satsuki Mitchell


Spends the New Year in North Yorkshire as guest of Jay Jopling and Sam Taylor-Wood, visits a local pub, Blue Lion Inn in East Witton, near Leyburn, January 6

Shooting "Quantum Of Solace" in Europe and South America, January 3 – June 21

Attends the first "Quantum of Solace" press conference in Pinewood Studios, January 24

Attends the launch party of the South American leg of shooting "Quantum of Solace" in Panama City with Satsuki Mitchell, February 8

Break in the shooting between Panama and Chile, visits the Galapagos Islands with Satsuki Mitchell, around March 20?

Premiere of "Flashbacks Of A Fool" in London with Satsuki Mitchell, April 13

Attends the press conference for "Quantum of Solace" in Bregenz, Austria, early May

12 June 2008, Craig sliced the top of one of his fingers off while filming Quantum of Solace. The accident was the latest in a string of incidents surrounding the shoot, including a fire at one of the sets in Pinewood Studios, UK; a car crash that left the stunt driver in a serious condition; and an Aston Martin skidding off the roads in heavy rains while being transported to the set in northern Italy and plunging into Lake Garda

Attends The Great British Movie Event in London with Satsuki Mitchell, June 17

The Wrap Party of shooting "Quantum Of Solace" in London, June 22

Photographed arriving at LAX with Satsuki Mitchell, July 9

Photographed in Hollywood in a car with California plates and number 002 with Satsuki Mitchell, July 12

Seen at Poggio restaurant in Sausalito having a beer and a snack with a female companion, reported July 22

Holidays in the US after the shoot is over (California, Oregon, visit to Satsuki's family), July

Paparazzi photos with Satsuki Mitchell leaving Saks Fifth Avenue in Los Angeles, July 30?

Attends the premiere of "Pineapple Express" in Los Angeles with Satsuki Mitchell, July 31

Seen in London buying champagne in a Marylebone off-licence, August 9

Shoulder surgery in the US (Johns Hopkins in Baltimore) in early September

Seen in a New York restaurant Nichols restaurant in East Hampton and attends a baptism by accident, September 27

Buys a new flat in London, in the Regent's Park, for reported £ 4 million, early October

Attends the Ian Fleming Tribute in London with Satsuki Mitchell, October 6

Promotion of "Quantum Of Solace"
Moscow, Russia: October 13, photocall, press conference
Stockholm, Sweden: October 14, photocall, press conference
Toronto, Canada: junket, October 16
Beverly Hills, USA: press conference, October 20
Paris, France: premiere October 30
Berlin, Germany: premiere November 3
Rome, Italy: photocall, premiere November 5
Valencia, Spain: photocall, premiere November 6
New York City, USA: Tribeca Film Institute Fall Benefit Screening, November 11
Sydney, Australia: November 15
Tokyo, Japan: November 25

Attends the opening of Sam Taylor-Wood's "Yes I No" exhibition in London, October 23

Attends the BB Electric Proms concert of Oasis with Satsuki Mitchell and Baillie Walsh, October 27

Royal premiere of "Quantum Of Solace" in London with Satsuki Mitchell, October 29

Seen leaving a fish restaurant in St. Martin's Lane in London with Satsuki Mitchell, November 11?

Attends press conference for "Defiance" in Beverly Hills, December 7

Paparazzi photos with an Audi in London, December 12

Videoed in New York City with and unknown man, December 20

Holidays in the Bahamas at St. Barths resort with Satsuki Mitchell and friends, December 25-31


Promotion of "Defiance"
London, UK: premiere January 6
Paris, France: photocall, premiere January 7
New York City, USA: The Cinema Society And Nextbook screening, January 12
Munich, Germany: photocall, press conference, January 16
Rome, Italy: press conference, photocall , January 19

Promtion of Defiance in New York
NBC Today Show, January 13
Comedy Central The Daily Show, January 13
Live With Regis And Kelly, January 15

Attends the Golden Globes preparty in Los Angeles, January 11

Seen lunching with Steven Spielberg in New York City, January 13

Attends 36. Deutscher Filmball in Munich in January 17

Pararazzi photos after lunch in central Rome: Dal Bolognese and the Bardolino hat shop on Piazza del Popolo, January 19

Travels to Los Angeles to start shooting of "Adventures of Tintin: The Secret Of the Unicorn", January 25

Photographed at Chataeu Marmont Hotel (Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood), February 1

Attends the BAFTA Awards in London, February 8

Attends the Academy Awards pre-party in Los Angeles, February 21

Attends the 81st Academy Awards in Los Angeles, February 22

Seen lunching with friends at the Eiffel Tower restaurant in Las Vegas, February 28

Seen in Los Angeles trying to get to dinner at the Mr. Chow restaurant, March 6

Photographed in London, leaving the Ivy Club with Satsuki Mitchell, March 13

Participates in the jury of the First Light Movie Awards, but did not attend the ceremony (March 17)

Daniel is a massive supporter of Welsh Soccer team Wrexham FC and has been since childhood. He often puts off filming if Wrexham are playing and he has stated that Dean Saunders, Mickey Thomas, Gary Bennett and Joey Jones are amongst his heroes.
In March 2009 Sky Sports filmed Craig attending a Wrexham V Chester derby match in Chester, where Wrexham won 2-0. He is also an ardent fan of Rugby Union

In March 2009 Sky Sports filmed Craig attending a Wrexham V Chester derby match in Chester, where Wrexham won 2-0. He is also an ardent fan of Rugby Union.

Attends the opening of a Damien Hirst retrospective in Kiev, in the Ukraine, April 24

Photographed in London arriving at the Ivy Club with an unknown lady, April 28

Photographed out and about in London in sweats, April 29

Attended Liverpool-Manchester football match at Anfield Road with Satsuki Mitchell, May 3

Broadway play "A Steady Rain" with Hugh Jackman, starting September 7, reported May 27, confirmed June 4 by Hugh Jackman

Del Monte Foods launched an ice lolly moulded to resemble Craig emerging from the sea

Photographed outside The Ivy leaving the restaurant, June 23

Satsuki Mitchell photographed in Primrose Hill, London, with Laura Symonds, June 30

Photographed (?) at Wimbledon, watching tennis, July 3

Photographed at Primrose Hill, outside his house (?) with Satsuki Mitchell, July 7


Сообщение отредактировал Elvenstar - Четверг, 09 Июл 2009, 10:28
BetinaДата: Пятница, 10 Июл 2009, 16:26 | Сообщение # 14
Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 7977
Статус: Offline
Ого, очень ценная информация, спасибо Elvenstar!

KaylaДата: Вторник, 19 Янв 2010, 21:37 | Сообщение # 15
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Сообщений: 19
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Ого, я даже не знала, что у Дэна есть дочь! Никогда не слышала :o

nattaДата: Среда, 20 Янв 2010, 10:24 | Сообщение # 16
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Quote (Kayla)
Ого, я даже не знала, что у Дэна есть дочь! Никогда не слышала

уже взрослая, копия ОН. :) вообще он не афиширует личную жизнь, наоборот старается всячески избежать разговоров о личном.

platonДата: Среда, 20 Янв 2010, 11:09 | Сообщение # 17
The bitch is back
Группа: Свои
Сообщений: 5449
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Quote (Kayla)
Ого, я даже не знала, что у Дэна есть дочь! Никогда не слышала

А я когда ее впервые с Дэном увидел, подумал, что он Сац изменяет с какой-то крашеной))

Daniel_teamДата: Среда, 20 Янв 2010, 11:57 | Сообщение # 18
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Сообщений: 4729
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Quote (platon)
Биография Дэна в хронологическом порядке

О!! очень круто!! надо будет хотя бы с этим укороченным вариантом ознакомится. стыдно сказать, но я ведь в свое время купила 2 книжки, радовалась им, но так и не прочитала (биографии его).... ведь биографии тоже надо писать умеючи... эти просто страшно скучно и сухо изложены.


nattaДата: Четверг, 23 Сен 2010, 21:53 | Сообщение # 19
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еще одна версия

Daniel Craig - Biography of the James Bond star

Daniel Wroughton Craig was born in Chester to Carol Olivia (née Williams), an art teacher, and Timothy John Wroughton Craig, who was the landlord of the pubs "Ring o' Bells" (in Frodsham) and "The Boot Inn", and also served as a midshipman in the Merchant Navy.

Both of Daniel's parents were of half Welsh descent. He was brought up in Liverpool and on the Wirral and began acting in school plays at age six.

He went to a primary school in Frodsham and Hoylake called Holy Trinity Primary School. He moved to London when he was 16 to join the National Youth Theatre after a brief stay at Calday.

He and his older sister, Lea, attended Hilbre High School and Calday Grange Grammar School in West Kirby. He played for Hoylake Rugby Club.

He attended the Guildhall School of Music and Drama at the Barbican and graduated in 1991 after three years of study under Colin McCormack.

Daniel appeared as Joe in the Royal National Theatre's production of Tony Kushner's Angels in America in November 1993. An early starring role was as 'Geordie' in the BBC's 1996 drama Our Friends in the North, with early film roles being as Angelina Jolie's rival and love interest in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001), before appearing in Sam Mendes's movie Road to Perdition (2002), with Tom Hanks and Paul Newman. Other leading film roles include Sword of Honour (2001), The Mother (2003) with Anne Reid, Sylvia (2003) with Gwyneth Paltrow, Layer Cake (2004) with Sienna Miller, Enduring Love (2004) with Rhys Ifans, Steven Spielberg's Munich (2005) with Eric Bana, Infamous (2006), and The Golden Compass (2007). He recently starred in Defiance.

On October 23, 2005, Daniel signed a five-film contract with EON Productions to portray James Bond. He stated that he "was aware of the challenges" of the James Bond franchise which he considers "a big machine" that "makes a lot of money". He aimed at bringing more "emotional depth" to the character. Being born in 1968, Craig is the first actor to portray James Bond to be born after the Bond series already started, and Ian Fleming, the novels' writer, had died.

Numerous actors publicly voiced their support of Daniel Craig's casting. Most notably, four of the five actors who had previously portrayed Bond — Pierce Brosnan, Timothy Dalton, Sean Connery, and Roger Moore — called his casting a good decision. Clive Owen, who had been linked to the role, also spoke in his defence.

The first film, Casino Royale, premièred on November 14, 2006, and grossed a total of US$594,239,066 worldwide, which makes the film the highest grossing Bond film to date.

After the film was released, Daniel's performance was highly acclaimed.

As production of Casino Royale reached its conclusion, producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli announced that pre-production work had already begun on the 22nd Bond film. After several months of speculation as to the release date, Wilson and Broccoli officially announced on July 20, 2006, that the follow-up film, Quantum of Solace, was to be released on November 7, 2008, and that Daniel plays Bond with an option for a third film.

On October 25, 2007, MGM CEO Harry Sloan revealed at the Forbes Meet II Conference that he had signed on for four more Bond films, through to Bond 25.

In 2006, Craig was invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

On June 12, 2008, Daniel sliced the top off one of his fingers off while filming Quantum of Solace. The accident was the latest in a string of incidents surrounding the shoot, including a fire at one of the sets in Pinewood Studios; a car crash that left the stunt driver in a serious condition; and an Aston Martin skidding off the roads in heavy rains while being transported to the set in northern Italy and plunging into Lake Garda.

Daniel describes his portrayal of Bond as an antihero: “The question I keep asking myself while playing the role is, ‘Am I the good guy or just a bad guy who works for the good side?’. Bond’s role, after all, is that of an assassin when you come down to it. I have never played a role in which someone’s dark side shouldn’t be explored. I don’t think it should be confusing by the end of the movie, but during the movie you should be questioning who he is.”

Craig also states that his favourite previous Bond actor was Sean Connery, but says, "I'd never copy somebody else. I would never do an impression of anybody else or try and improve on what they did. That would be a pointless exercise for me". His favorite Bond film is From Russia with Love.

On April 19, 2010, Daniel's expected third Bond film (the 23rd overall in the series) was announced to have been suspended indefinitely due to the crippling debt and uncertain future of MGM. Both Daniel Craig and Sam Mendes, however, hope to resume work on the film soon.

Outside of work, Daniel married Scottish actress Fiona Loudon in 1992, with whom he has a daughter, Ella. However, the marriage ended in divorce in 1994. After his divorce he was in a seven-year relationship with German actress Heike Makatsch. He is currently in a relationship with film producer Satsuki Mitchell.

Craig had to quit smoking and hire a personal trainer to prepare for the role as James Bond. He is an avid video game player and was excited to have a Quantum of Solace video game released.

In October 2008, Craig paid £4 million for an apartment close to Regent's Park, London.


Ma$haДата: Среда, 21 Мар 2012, 14:24 | Сообщение # 20
Группа: Удаленные

тяжело ему приходилось зато сейчас он на высоте :* :* :*
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