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Четверг • 02 Янв 2025 • 18:02
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Roundtable: Room Two
Q: (inaudible question about making of second movie)
Daniel Craig: Yes several of them were in the story, but you'll notice if you've read the books that there were missing parts of the story in the first one. We shot it and it didn't make the movie, but it was because the timing wasn't good, so it wasn't right. So it'll have to be in the second movie because it's actually how the universes are breaking apart, and how the story actually starts and how Lyra's journey starts.

Q: Have you read the second script yet, because I understand there was one,
Daniel Craig: There an outline, a pretty good outline. I haven't looked at it but I've seen bits of it.

Q: Why were you interested to doing another franchise?
Daniel Craig: It didn't really cross my mind, I genuinly was just such a fan of the books that I wanted to, when I heard they were making, that this was on the cards, I've got to do this, I've got to get involved with this. I'm such a Philip Pullman fan and actually his philosophies and his morals and the way he looks at the world, and the lessons and the stories. He does what he does brilliantly as a writer. He writes children's stories with major adult themes and major ideas about making the right choices.

Q: Were you surprised that there were certain controversies about the story's attitude about the religion today...
Daniel Craig: I'm not surprised, no, I mean I get that. Philip is being very vocal about it. For me the story has always, I don't think the story isn't at all anti-religious in any way, I think what's it more against is the control and the misuse of power that any organised religion, or any political sort of, um, organistation exercises over the people they're supposed to represent. I think that, for me what's important in the movie, and the character I play has all these revolutionary idea, which if you think about it is really revolutionary, of splitting all the universes up so that all these ideas are floating apart and the whole part gets turned up his head so that they can move in. I think the classic thing is that majority people who are criticising it probably have never read the books, and need to. And I'm sure that the Catholic church, which is being directed as you know, sort of, it's said it's an attack on the Catholic Church, can handle it.

Q: As a fan of the books, what did you feel the film had to have in it to capture the essence of the books?
Daniel Craig: Well, the key element for the film is Dakota. She had to be right, she had convey strenght, she had to be a little girl that someone that we wanted to follow, and she's done that, brilliantly I think. She's so engaging. She's got a quality about her that I felt is important to the role, and if you want to follow her into the world Philip Pullman created then it's icing on the cake.

Q: What did you think of her being able to handle the pressure? Did you sense that she was under any pressure, in terms of, you know, because obviously she had to the right person for this. Did you sense she felt any pressure to that or...?
Daniel Craig: I don't know, I mean, if she did then it was her own pressure because she wanted to get it right but I think that's kind of back to normal. Certainly, in a situation like this, you have to remember she's a little girl and she needs to be protected. That is the first and foremost in this situation, and this whole thing we're doing now is sort of crazy. My advice to her has always been enjoy it, enjoy what's happening here. It's crazy and it's wonderful, but it's fun.

Q: Is that how you've been able to cope with the post-Bond thing?
Daniel Craig: I run away. Having a sense of humour is really key. You have to have a sense of humour with these things and I’ve just tried to remain who I am. Just geting, my life has changed. It's changed in the fact that I don't have the freedoms I did before, but I’ve also got a huge amount of other freedoms that came along with it.
(Loads of James Bond-related questions)

Q: So assuming that The Golden Compass is a big hit, and obviously you got scheduled for the next Bond do you already look ahead the next year and look like maybe we can pick The Golden Compass in here...
Daniel Craig: That will be the plan, but it will obviously depend on how well we do here. I try not the count chickens, and I really do because there's no point because you go crazy. I'm very happy with the way this is working out, I'd love to get involved. If they do another movie I'd love to do, and we'll fit in it. It's not my job to make that work but I've got to pay people fortunes to make them do that.
(More questions drifting off The Golden Compass subject again)

Q: Back to this one [The Golden Compass] for a moment, how did you feel about this character?
Daniel Craig: I like the fact that he's a bit of revolutionary. Basically, he wants to mix everything up. Knowledge is the most important thing for him, the only way you're going to find knowledge, you've got to go out and explore, you need to go and find that. It's always going to change things and change is always good, and that is, I think, where his passion comes from.

Q: I was so intrigued by the dæmons in the movie, that I was curious, do you have a dæmon?
Daniel Craig: Well the thing is, once you have a snow leopard it's difficult to go back. Everything is going to be slightly disappointing. It's very telling of your... it's very telling what your choice would be. Because that's probably how you see yourself. We used to play that games as kids and you'd say if you were animal what would you be and it'd usually be the opposite of what it should be. But animal would be could, any animals have got their virtues. You know, cockroaches got virtues...

Q: Like what?
Daniel Craig: Well, they'll be around when we're all gone.

Q: There's talk about these scenes that have been deleted. Tell us a bit more?
Daniel Craig: It's was the storyline... the situation is that we have only so much time to tell the story in the movie. Literally, the piece at the end which is where the universe is cracked apart, it's a big moment. Basically, they, the filmmakers, have directed the story earlier in the book. It happens, it's called adapting a book, you have to make decisions about things. It's not unusual having to cut out scenes.

Q: As for as you know are those scenes going to be the opening scenes in the next one or are they going on an extended DVD of this one?
Daniel Craig: I don't know about that, I'm not involved with DVD. But they'd have to be [in the second movie], because they're fundamental to the story and you can't really avoid them. It certainly puts a different spin on my character, to being slightly kindly to rather evil. And that's what's so great about this story.

Q: You're first seen in the movie, full beard. The men caught you and you shaved it all away. Did you just shave it in between?
Daniel Craig: It was a choice. It went along with a scene that was lost so it may be a little confusing. What happens is that he's taken prisoner, and everybody thinks he's been taken prisoner and he's in a prison. But in fact what he does is that he builts himself a whole laboratory. I wanted to make it look like when Lyra comes across him that it's like, oh you're not here with a long beard being chained to the whole but he's got he valet there and all, so it was just a choice.


Категория: Интервью на английском | Добавил: ВЕТРЕННАЯ (28 Ноя 2007)
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